Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Camping in Algonquin

I went camping with my family last week at Algonquin. We had a wonderful time! We went canoeing, fishing, kayaking, swimming, did a few portages, played some games, cooked over the campfire, and camped overnight at a paddle-in site. Ivan had to work, but he came on Friday evening with his kayak to spend the night and Saturday with us. It is amazing to see God's hand in creation in Algonquin. Whenever I am there I always marvel at the beauty of the lakes, the trees, the rocks, the wildlife...the sunrises over the water, the moon and stars reflecting like diamonds on the lake's surface. We also experienced a raging storm one evening. We were spared the worst of the storm, in the sense that although it was windy, and thunder and lightening were flashing overhead for a long time, we didn't experience any danger. We did hear a tree crash down in the distance but nothing came near us. After the storm, we learned that much of the area had been hit very hard with strong winds and a tornado. We are thankful that we were spared this experience! Other than that storm we had beautiful, sunny, warm weather and enjoyed every minute we spent outdoors!


At Tuesday, August 08, 2006 5:31:00 PM, Blogger Valerie or Arnold Sikkema said...

Sounds great! Apparently, a big Algonquin event might be in the works for next summer, organized by Netty... We'll see if we can make it!


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