Saturday, September 23, 2006


Ivan and I headed up to Alex and Rachel's on Friday night to do some climbing together today. We headed out to TV Tower Crag in Rush Cove, dropped a couple of ropes, and spent the late morning/afternoon climbing. It was a great time! Ivan and Alex did each climb a couple of times and I did them each once. Or I should say I attempted to do them, but could not get as far up as they could. Surprise, surprise. I just don't have the stretch or the strength! But it was a lot of fun! The forecast was for rain, but we had sunshine and warmth for the better part of the day. Later on in the afternoon the sky became grey, but the rain held off until we were on the way home, and even then it was just a drizzle. I'm going to have to get my own rock climbing shoes sometime. I just climb in my running shoes, but that is not ideal. Climbing shoes would give me a better grip with my toes than my running shoes do. Ivan and I will have to head out to MEC again sometime soon :) What a great store! Hopefully we can get out to the Elora Gorge for another climb or two this season.


At Sunday, September 24, 2006 6:24:00 PM, Blogger Lisa said...

No trip to MEC without visiting me, okay?


At Wednesday, September 27, 2006 7:56:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If u go to MEC let us know too!!...maybe i could get a harness that fits me!!
PS. nice pictures!! :)


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