Sunday, February 04, 2007

Winter Camping

Ivan and I went winter camping with some friends this past weekend. We went to the Bruce Trail by Duncan Crevice Caves, on crown land just off the Bruce. We were there on Friday night and Saturday. Friday night we slept in quincy's (piles of snow hollowed out to make a type of igloo...i guess), stood around a fire, cooked and ate dinner (a long process when you are winter camping) and enjoyed a hot drink. Were we cold???? Not at all! Of course it was very cold outside but we were all bundled up in our snow gear! The night went well too. Our quincy that we shared with Alex and Rachel was toasty warm thanks to our sleeping bags and body warmth! My new sleeping bag did its job of keeping me warm down to -20 C! It was also the first chance we had to use my new pack that I got for Christmas! Saturday we cooked breakfast and went for a nice winter hike before packing it all in and heading home! What a wonderfully wintery way to enjoy our Lord's beautiful creation. Of course, we always have a greater appreciation of His gracious gifts and the comfort of home after we spend a few days living outdoors. Enjoy the photos!


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