Thursday, March 01, 2007

Another Snow Day

What a great day to have a snow day! I was just thinking yesterday that I could use a "personal day" and wouldn't really mind if my sore throat turned into a bad cold so I could spend the day at home! So, spend the day at home I did! But very legitimately and without the bad side effect of having a cold :) Not that I took a break from work - I spent the time very wisely writing report cards and have made very good progress which makes my weekend look less bleak! I've actually had it pretty easy since the Christmas Break - with four snow days and two PD days, the weeks have been broken up quite nicely, with good variety! Now there is a week left until March Break when I will go to Charleston, SC with Pam and enjoy 20 C temperatures! Although it may sound that I'm enjoying my days off too much and that I'm not enjoying my work that is not true at all! However, it is very healthy to enjoy an unexpected day off and to look forward to a long awaited (warm) vacation! March is coming in like a lion that means it will go out like a lamb! Although Ivan and I have a yearly debate wherein he believes the saying is "Go in like a lion out like a lion", or "In like a lamb, out like a lamb" and I believe that it will go out the opposite way it came in. Oh well, a saying is a saying and does not dictate what will actually happen so the debate is really a moot point. Drive safe and enjoy another winter storm from the comfort of your own home! Will tomorrow be a snow day, too???? Let's wait with bated breath...


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