Friday, March 02, 2007

Another Snow Day

Another day at home...baking cookies (I'll bring some with a&r!), report cards, and investigating Washington State. We're debating where and if for a summer vacation...maybe Washington State for some family camping (we would meet cousins, aunts and uncles),and then some exploration...Mt. Rainier, the Ocean...some overnight backpacking, some sea kayaking..that is one option. Or maybe we will go to Washington State for family camping and then head to the Grand Teton Mountain Range for some backpacking...another option. We thought about heading to Newfoundland before this family camping suggestion came up but that is probably off the table now. The other option is we could stay home and do lots of canoeing trips! Mmmmm. I've just been very intrigued by Mt. Rainier now though...that is probably first on the list!


At Saturday, March 03, 2007 4:53:00 PM, Blogger Valerie or Arnold Sikkema said...

You're always welcome to drop in at our place if you are out west anyway. Mt. Rainier is only about 3 hours south of us! Nadine says, "Come and visit us...please!"


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