Tuesday, May 15, 2007

6 weeks remain until the freedom of summer...or until the teaching stops and the planning begins again...I will be teaching grade 1 next year so that means a summer of planning, which I'm really looking forward to! I have the taste of summer and it is hard to convince myself that it is not quite summer yet. We've been having such beautiful days. Last week we ate lunch outside at school 4 days out of the 5. This week we'll be going on a nature walk on Friday! I've been taking my science class outside alot. We're studying plants so it works out perfectly with my "sunshine itch". My students are growing beans and flowers in the classroom and we've also already planted some plants at home - petunias from a classroom episode, a few tomatoe plants from Mom Sikkema, and a variety of seeds that will hopefully produce some beautiful flowers - poppies, lupins, sweet peas, columbine, matthiola, delphinium! The tulips are already dying and the hosta (i hate that thing) is starting to come up. The chives are growing like mad and have been seasoning a lot of my cooking lately! I love this time of year!