Monday, March 12, 2007

Road Trip!

So after an interesting last two weeks of work...3 days on...6 days off (4 snow days and a weekend) and 3 days on....I am officially on March Break. Pam and I are heading down to Charleston, SC this afternoon. We plan to drive for about 6-7 hours and end up in West Virginia tonight, and then finish up the trip tomorrow morning. Why Charleston? Lots of people are asking me this! It will be warm - 20-25 C, beautiful (dogwood and magnolia will be in bloom) and full of interesting American major at MAC. We plan to see lots of plantations, do some walking tours...a dungeon one in particular is on the list, check out a beach perhaps and do some pubbing at the Charleston waterfront! A great combination! We'll be back by Saturday :) Hopefully I'll be able to post a few pictures here and there while I'm away, otherwise it will have to wait until I return! Happy March Break everyone!


At Tuesday, March 13, 2007 1:25:00 PM, Blogger rebekah said...

woohoo! have a great time :) i'll sway stories w/ you when i'm back from BC:) i expect lots of pics btw!


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